Ben’s Book Of Choice:

The Greatest Salesman In The World

Author: Og Mandino

Published: 1968

Ben’s Rating: 5/5

I read this book in 2015 but before picking it up I didn’t have great expectations of it based on the book cover and title but as they say don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Also after hearing it being recommended so many times, which I know is sign of a good book, I decided to gave it a try.

The Greatest Salesman In The World

The book is about a poor camel boy who achieves abundance by following the ancient wisdom of ten scrolls handed down through thousands of years.

Here are the ten scrolls:

Scroll I – The Power of Good Habits
Scroll II – Greet Each Day With Love In Your Heart
Scroll III – I Will Persist Until I Succeed
Scroll IV – I am Nature’s Greatest Miracle
Scroll V – Live Each Day as if it Were Your Last
Scroll VI – Master Your Emotions
Scroll VII – The Power of Laughter
Scroll VIII – Multiply Your Value Every Day
Scroll IX – All is Worthless Without Action
Scroll X – Pray to God for Guidance

Ben’s takeaway:

One of the lessons that stuck with me in this book was the idea of self-belief and when you’re a “salesman”, business owner or entrepreneur, you choose a lonely path.

You are completely on your own quest and as long as you understand where you want your quest to lead to, other people around you don’t need to understand it.


You were not created for a life of idleness. You cannot eat from sunrise to sunset or drink or play or make love. Work is not your enemy but your friend. If all manners of labor were forbidden to thee you would fall to your knees and beg an early death.


Whether you’re religious or not, I believe if you read this book and follow the lessons in the scrolls you will find more success and happiness in your life.

Have you read this book?

If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below this post.

– Ben